- Elementary Schools
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Murphy Elementary
611 North 31st Street
Bismarck ND 58501
Phone: 701-323-4190
Fax: 701-323-4195
Murphy Announcements
Message from the office
Interrupting class during education time makes it difficult for teachers. It is important to inform your child ahead of time of their after-school arrangements. If it is an emergency and you need to call during the day, please make sure it is before 2:30.If calls are received after 2:30 we CAN NOT guarantee the message will be delivered before students dismiss for the day.
Leaving Early:
If you are picking up your student during the school day, please note we will no longer call your child in advance of your arrival, this prevents students from missing classtime while waiting for their ride.
Clothing Items:
It would be a great idea if your student kept a dry pair of clothes/socks in their backpack in case of incidents in and out of the school building including playground ice/water/mud, paint spills, and other unforeseen accidents. If your student has borrowed a clothing item from the school please return it at your earliest convenience as our supply is limited.
School attendance is very important. If your child needs to be absent or tardy for any reason, please notify the school prior to 8:30.
For safety reasons, we need to account for all children.Students arriving after 9:30 AM or leaving school before 2:00 PM will be counted absent for half a day.
Students arriving to school after 8:35 AM are counted as tardy and need to check in the office before going to class.
If your student needs to leave school before dismissal, it is expected that a parent or guardian come into the building to sign out the student in the office.
Whether due to illness, a family trip, or any other reason, a district letter will be mailed to parents when students have missed 5, 10, 15, or 20 days of school. It is required by law for the school to report absences that are excessive.
BECEP has openings for 4-year-olds in the Community Friends program for the 2022-2023 school year. This is a tuition based, ½ day preschool program, for students who demonstrate age-appropriate skills. Tuition costs are $100/month for 4 half days a week and $50/month for 2 half days a week. The next screening date is Tuesday, July 19th. Please call BECEP at 701-323-4400 to schedule a screening appointment. A limited number of spots are available.
Instagram Page
Murphy Families~
Check out our new Murphy Bulldog Instagram page!
Keep up to date with all the great things going on at Murphy.
We love our students & staff! And there’s no better way to share our love for learning.
Check us out @ murphybulldogs
District Announcements
BPS Family Assistance Fund
The Bismarck Public Schools Foundation (BPSF) has established a BPS Family Assistance Fund. Those that wish to donate may do so through the foundation website or by mail. To donate online, go to https://www.bpsfoundation.com/donations/bps-faf/. To donate by mail, send checks to the BPS Foundation at 806 N. Washington St., Bismarck, ND 58501 and write “BPS-FAF” in the memo line. Families seeking assistance are encouraged to reach out to their counselor or social worker who will connect them to established community resources as well as submit requests for funding needs that cannot be met within existing resources. The BPSF thanks those who have already reached out to volunteer and/or provide monetary donations to help those within our community who are struggling.
District News
Students in Transition Raffle Ticket Winners
Jan. 31st Raffle Ticket Winner - $100 Tammy Blumhagen of Bismarck (click the heading to see all winners!)
New Online Meal Payment Platform - LINQ Connect
The BPS meal payment platform has changed to a new system called LINQ Connect. ALL BPS families will need to create an account for the 2023-2024 school year.