DC Electronics (Formerly Electronics I)

  • Grade Placement:   10, 11, 12……….2 credits (Block Class) ……….Full Year

    Students will have the opportunity to earn 28-32 college credits through the articulation process.
    Today’s electrical engineers, technologists and technicians continue to change the way we live. This hands-on course allows students to work in a lab environment where they will build, analyze and troubleshoot basic electronic circuits. The theory and lab environment in Electronics I provide a perfect starting point in which to explore the tremendous potential in career areas such as communications, medical, computer networking, automotive, manufacturing, engineering, and consumer electronics repair and installation.

Analog Electronics (Formerly Electronics II)

  • Grade Placement:   11, 12……….2 credits (Block Class) ……….Full Year

    Prerequisite: Electronics Technology
    Students will have the opportunity to earn 28-32 college credits through the articulation process.

    Analog Electronics will prepare students for a high-paying career after high school.  This class is equipped with state-ofthe-art equipment and is taught by experienced professionals who will help you thoroughly learn designing, building, analyzing and trouble-shooting analog electronic circuits.

Digital Electronics (Formerly Electronics III)

  • Grade Placement:   11, 12……….2 credits (Block Class) ……….Full Year 

    Prerequisite: Electronics Technology Students will have the opportunity to earn 28-32 college credits through the articulation process.
    Building on students understanding of basic electronics concepts, this course develops a thorough explanation of TTL and CMOS devices and their applications. Special attention is given to related troubleshooting techniques and equipment. Students are introduced to microprocessor-based systems and microcomputers.