• Classroom Counseling

    The counselor is regularly in the classroom to provide lessons on a variety of topics to assist all students in reaching academic, career, and personal/social goals. Lessons are developmentally appropriate and align with the Bismarck Public School Counseling learning targets and the American School Counselor Association's Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success. 

    The Bismarck Elementary Counseling program is continuously working to prioritize standards, clarify expectations, and develop curriculum resources that best fit the learning needs of our BPS students. Because the process of curriculum review and development involves constant reflection and revision, updates and changes at different grade levels are to be expected.

    School counselors encourage the following mindsets for all students.

    • Mindset 1. Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional and physical well-being
    • Mindset 2. Self-confidence in ability to succeed
    • Mindset 3. Sense of belonging in the school environment
    • Mindset 4. Understanding that postsecondary education and life-long learning are necessary for long-term career success
    • Mindset 5. Belief in using abilities to their fullest to achieve high-quality results and outcomes
    • Mindset 6. Positive attitude toward work and learning

    Third Grade Student Learning Targets

    Academic Development Targets

    • I can demonstrate effort and perseverance.
    • I can tell two ways to be organized.
    • I can tell five test taking strategies.

     Career Development Targets

    • I can recognize how the skills I learn in school are important for the world of work.

     Social/Emotional Development Targets

    • I can identify positive and negative self-talk.
    • I can identify three of my positive qualities.
    • I can recognize bullying behavior.
    • I can tell how my body feels when I need to calm down.
    • I can practice cooperation in a group.
    • I can tell how to respect someone who is different from me.
    • I can identify assertive communication.
    • I can recognize characteristics of a friend.
    • I can name the steps in problem solving.
    • I can choose different strategies to deal with a conflict.
    • I can identify safe and unsafe touch.
    • I can name three safe adults.
    • I can list five ways to keep myself healthy.