


    • Please arrive at least 25 minutes early to your exam location. Late entries will not be admitted once exams have been distributed. This means that doors close at 8:00 AM for morning exams and 12:00-Noon for afternoon exams, and no students can be admitted after these times. This is College Board's Advanced Placement policy, and exceptions will not be made for any reason.

    • If you have an earlybird class at the Career Academy and you are taking an AM exam, you do not need to attend class that day. The attendance office will be notified and it will not count against you for finals or credit loss. 

    • Students taking an AM exam that have a class immediately following that exam will be allowed time to eat lunch prior to returning to regularly scheduled class for the kjjjremainder of the day.

    • All students taking a PM exam will need to eat lunch prior to their scheduled PM exam.  The attendance office and teachers will be notified. 

    • Bring all necessary materials outlined in your AP Student Bulletin. Not every exam requires the same materials (ie: calculator or ruler) so be sure that you understand what you can and cannot bring. All students need to bring a pen with black or dark blue ink and a pencil. 

    • Leave cell phones, smart watches, and all other communication devices outside of the testing room. If you do not wish to leave these items in a vehicle or at home, you may need to leave them in the counseling office where they will be secured in a locked room for the duration of testing. You are not allowed to access any devices at any time during the exam, including during breaks. Accessing a prohibited device during the exam will result in dismissal from the exam.

    • If you plan to bring food or drink, it can only be consumed during the 10-minute break. You may not have food or drink while you are testing. Please be conscientious of students with severe food allergies and do not bring any nut products into the testing room. 

    • Students who are taking two exams in one day should be prepared to eat a quick lunch. You may want to consider bringing your own lunch with items that can be easily eaten between testing sessions. We will do everything we can to accommodate you, but you may still be looking at a short lunch break of about 15-20 minutes.