Legacy High School
Empower Every Learner to Thrive
District News
Students in Transition Raffle Ticket Winners
Jan. 31st Raffle Ticket Winner - $100 Tammy Blumhagen of Bismarck (click the heading to see all winners!)
New Online Meal Payment Platform - LINQ Connect
The BPS meal payment platform has changed to a new system called LINQ Connect. ALL BPS families will need to create an account for the 2023-2024 school year.
Address Changes
Have you recently moved? Update your new address with Central Registration. Click here for more information.
LHS Announcements
2024-2025 LHS Schedule of Events
August 6, 2024: Schedule Change Day-Seniors 8:30-11:30 am & Juniors 12:30-3:30 pm
August 7, 2024: Schedule Change Day-Sophmores 8:30-11:30 am & Freshmen 12:30-3:30 pm
August 12, 2024: Freshmen & New Student Orientation 6 pm
August 21, 2024: First Day of School
August 26, 2024: LHS Parent Night @ 6 pm
September 2, 2024: No School (Labor Day)
September 9-13, 2024: Homecoming Week
September 11, 2024: Picture Day
September 13, 2024: Homecoming Dance
September 23, No School
October 9, 2024: Free ND College Application Day
October 10, 2024: Picture Retake Day
October 14 & 15, 2024: Parent-Teacher Conferences 4 pm to 7:45 pm
October 17 & 18, 2024: No School (Convention Days)
October 25, 2024: End of Quarter 1
October 27, 2024: Saber Sweets & Treats
November 8 &11, 2024: No School (Conference Day & Veterans Day)
November 28 & 29, 2024: No School (Thanksgiving Break)
December 20, 2024: Last Day of School for 2024
January 2, 2025: First Day of School for 2025
January 10, 2025: End of Quarter 2
January 20 & 21, 2025: No School (MLK Day & Staff Development)
February 1, 2025: Snowball Dance
February 17, 2025: No School (President's Day)
March 14, 2025: No School (Storm Makeup Day)
March 21, 2025: End of Quarter 3
March 25 & 27, 2025: Parent-Teacher Conferences 4 pm to 7:45 pm
April 4, 2025: No School (Professional Development Day)
April 5, 2025: Prom
April 16, 2025: National Honor Society
April 18, 2025: No School (Good Friday)
April 21, 2025: No School (Storm Makeup Day)
May 23, 2025: Last Day of School
May 23, 2025: End of Quarter 4
May 25, 2025: LHS Graduation @ 4 pm Bismarck Event Center
May 27-June 11, 2025: First Session of Summer School
June 12-June 27, 2025: Second Session of Summer School
LHS Athletic Registration Video
Athletic Registration/My Payments Plus Info
RSCHOOL REGISTRATION - is ready to accept registrations. Any student participating in an activity must have their registration submitted WITH a physical exam or they will not be allowed to participate in practices or games. Scan the QR code to get registered today!
PHYSICAL EXAMS - A yearly physical exam is required for every student participating in activities of BPS. Physical exams performed AFTER April 15, 2024 are valid for the 2024-25 school year. More information is on the district website Physical Info
ATHLETIC FEES - Please click the link for info regarding athletic fees. https://www.bismarckschools.org/Page/163
Fees may be paid in person by cash or check at the school, or you may use the MyPaymentsPlus system beginning on August 5th. Please remember that MyPaymentsPlus DOES NOT track individual and family maximum, you will need to track that on your own. -
Chromebook Information
All New students to the district will receive a Chromebook issued to them by BPS according to the model that their grade level currently has assigned to them. All Freshmen will be receiving a BRAND NEW Chromebook that will be assigned to them. We ask that everyone uses proper care and handling of their Chromebook as they will be using that device for the duration of their stay at Legacy High School.
We will have those Chromebooks available for you to pick up in the CyberHub. Just enter the main entrance of Legacy and you will see the room with glass walls straight in front of you.
August 15th 8 am - 8 pm
August 16-19th 8 am - 4 pmIf you still have your students' previous 8th grade Chromebook that was assigned to them, they will need to return that one along with its power adapter to pick up their new freshmen issued Chromebook.
It is very important to remember to fully charge your Chromebook before the first day of school and to also remember to bring it that morning as we are very limited on loaner computers for them to use. For families with previously issued Chromebooks, if you notice any problems with your Chromebook, please let us know as soon as possible so we can get it resolved before school starts. Many problems are due to games or extensions that students install on their computers and can be resolved within minutes onsite if they bring it in to us.
District Announcements
School Supplies Lists 2024-2025
Please go to https://www.bismarckschools.org/schoolsupplieslist to find the school supplies lists for the 2024-2025 school year.
Students in Transition Raffle Winners
Students In Transition Raffle Ticket Winners:
Jan 31st - $100 Tammy Blumhagen of Bismarck
Jan. 30th - $100 Cheryl Loub Levander of Bismarck
Jan. 29th - $50 Kyle Tschosik
Jan. 26th - $50 Tammy Blumhagen of Bismarck & $100 Denise Leapaldt-Johnson of Bismarck
Jan. 25th - $50 Joel Friedt of Bismarck
Jan. 24th - $50 Serra Irmen of Bismarck
Jan. 23rd - $50 Mindy Nehring of Rugby
Jan. 22nd - $50 Jim McHugh of Aberdeen, SD
Jan. 19th - $100 Leslee Webb of Bismarck
Jan. 19th - $50 Terri Miller of Bismarck
Jan. 18th - $50 Liz Kappel of Bismarck
Jan. 17th - $50 Sydney Trottier of Bismarck
Jan. 12th - $100 Melissa Hurt of Bismarck
Jan. 12th - $50 Julitta Mihm of Bismarck
Jan. 11th - $50 Katherine Engelstad of Bismarck
Jan. 10 - $50 Roy Risser of Bismarck
Jan. 9th - $50 Adam Muhm of Bismarck
Jan. 8th - $50 Don Talamage of Mandan
Jan. 4th - $50 Shawn Oliver of Lincoln
Jan. 5th - $500 Patty Thorp of Bismarck
Jan. 3rd - $100 Jason Will
Jan. 2nd - $100 Katie Wald of Bismarck
Dec. 22nd - $300 Heather Hjelden of Rugby
Dec. 21st - $100 Matthew Fleck of Bismarck
Dec. 20th - $100 Joe Kambeitz of Bismarck
Dec. 19th - $200 Chandra Schmidt of Bismarck
Dec 18th - $100 Mike Zaun of Bismarck
Dec. 15th - $100 Ben Johnson of Bismarck
Dec. 14th - $100 Mickey Jordan of Bismarck
Dec. 13th - $80 Fred Berndt of Rugby
Dec. 12th - $50 Chad Kleingartner of Bismarck
Dec. 11th - $50 Heather Hjelden of Rugby
Dec. 8th - $100 Nick Clark of Bismarck
Dec. 8th - $50 Alec Wardner of Bismarck
Dec. 7th - $50 Brooke Sundvor or Bismarck
Dec. 6th - $50 Paul Warden of Bismarck
Dec. 5th - $50 Jennifer Henderson (who kindly donated it back to the program!)
Dec. 5th - $50 Al Timms of Leeds
Dec. 4th - $50 Muhammad Khalid of New Orleans LA
Dec. 1st - $100 Kjersti Hintz of Bismarck -
BPS Central Office Has Moved!
Bismarck Public Schools central administration office has moved from Hughes Educational Center to the Central Administration Building, located at 128 Soo Line Drive. The transition will allow Hughes Educational Center to offer expanded career and technical education opportunities for students.The Central Administration Building will include the following departments: Accounting/Payroll, Activities, AVID, BPS Foundation, Business and Operations, Community Relations, English Learners, Human Resources, Indian Education, Registration, Safety, Students in Transition, Student Support Services, and the Superintendent/Assistant Superintendents. Hughes Educational Center will continue to house some BPS services, such as Child Nutrition and the Library Media Center. -
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration for the 2024-2025 school year will open February 1st, 2024. For more information and to register, visit www.bismarckschools.org/kreg
BPS Family Assistance Fund
The Bismarck Public Schools Foundation (BPSF) has established a BPS Family Assistance Fund. Those that wish to donate may do so through the foundation website or by mail. To donate online, go to https://www.bpsfoundation.com/donations/bps-faf/. To donate by mail, send checks to the BPS Foundation at 806 N. Washington St., Bismarck, ND 58501 and write “BPS-FAF” in the memo line. Families seeking assistance are encouraged to reach out to their counselor or social worker who will connect them to established community resources as well as submit requests for funding needs that cannot be met within existing resources. The BPSF thanks those who have already reached out to volunteer and/or provide monetary donations to help those within our community who are struggling.