BPS Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)-a framework for the School Improvement Process
Vision: All students’ academic, social, emotional, and behavioral needs are supported holistically to be choice-ready for college, career, and community (within a positive, safe, and productive learning environment). We accomplish this through a continuum of services, an integrated framework of high quality instruction, data-driven decision-making, collaboration, and shared leadership.
Kari Peterson
Student Support Services
MTSS Literacy Focus
128 Soo Line Drive
Bismarck, ND 58501
Andrea Seibel
Student Support Services
MTSS Academic Focus
128 Soo Line Drive
Bismarck, ND 58501
(701) 323-4012
NDMTSS 6 Key Components
Data-Driven Decision Making
Multi-Tiered Instruction
Infrastructure and Support
Fidelity and Evaluation
School, Family & Community Partnerships.
Defining MTSS
- Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is an umbrella term that encompasses Response to Intervention (RTI), positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) and other tiered frameworks.
- MTSS integrates assessment and intervention within a school-wide, multi-tiered prevention system to maximize student achievement and reduce behavior problems.
- With MTSS, schools identify students at risk for poor learning outcomes, monitor student progress, provide evidence-based interventions, and adjust the intensity based on a student’s responsiveness.
Continuous Improvement Cycle
NDMTSS recognizes that providing all students with the best opportunities to succeed academically and behaviorally requires a constant focus on improvement. This is done through needs assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation. Like any school improvement process, the continuous improvement cycle empowers systems to effectively plan and implement initiatives while accumulating and analyzing data in order to apply necessary changes to improve practice.
Multi-Level Tiered Instruction System
Tier One- Core Instruction
- Focus: All students
- Instruction: District curriculum and instructional practices that are evidence-based; Standards-Based Education (SBE); incorporate differentiated instruction.
- Examples: Project Based Learning (PBL), instructional strategies (e.g. AVID), Resilience Breakthrough, Second Step, SW-PBIS
- Assessments: Screening, continuous progress monitoring, and outcome measures, SBE linked Formative Assessments
Tier Two – Intervention/Enrichment
- Focus: Students identified through screening as at risk for poor academic or behavior outcomes
- Instruction: Targeted, supplemental instruction delivered to small groups
- Examples: Why Try, Reading Strategies Class, Math Strategies Class, Reading Services, Check-in/Check-out, behavior skills groups
- Assessments: Progress monitoring, diagnostic
Tier Three – Intensive Intervention/Enrichment
- Focus: Students who have not responded to Tier 1 and 2 instruction, or who present with very low achievement
- Instruction: Intensive intervention adapted to address individual student needs through the systematic use of assessment data, validated interventions, and research-based instruction or behavior support strategies.
- Examples: Replacement programs, Data-based individualization, Why Try, Dual Credit, as well as leadership opportunites.
- Assessments: Progress monitoring, diagnostic, Functional Behavior Asessment (FBA)/Prevent-Teach-Reinforce (PTR)
Data-Driven Decision Making
- Data analysis occurs at all levels of MTSS implementation (e.g., district, school, grade level) as well as all tiers of instruction.
- Establish routines and procedures for sharing data and making decisions.
- Use explicit decision rules and tools (e.g. proficiency scales and/or rubrics) to assess student progress
- Data are used to compare adequacy of core curriculum and the effectiveness of different instructional and behavioral strategies.
Purpose: Identify students who are at risk of poor learning outcomes
Focus: All students
Tools: MAP, AIMSweb, Aspire, SBE Triggers, Early Warning System (EWS)
Timeframe: Administered three times per year (e.g. fall, winter, spring)
Formative Assessments, Proficiency Scales -
Progress Monitoring
Purpose: Monitor student’s response to instruction in all tiers to estimate rates of improvement, identify students not demonstrating adequate progress, and compare efficacy of different forms of instruction
Focus: Students identified through screening as at risk for poor learning outcomes
Tools: Formative Assessments, Curriculum Based Measures (AIMSweb), Mastery Measures
Timeframe: Students are assessed at regular intervals -
Professional Learning Communities
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) drive the work of MTSS implementation at the building, team, and individual student level, by asking the following questions:
1. What do we expect students to learn?
2. How are students going to learn it?
3. How will we know when they have learned it?
4. How will we respond when they don’t learn?
5. How will we respond when they already know it?
MTSS District Taskforce
- Valerie Bakken, Coordinator, BECEP
- Brad Barnhardt, Assistant Superintendent, Elementary
- Jennifer Berry, Counselor Secondary
- Adam Christ, Psychologist, Secondary
- Lindsey Dirk, Coordinator, Special Services
- Tracy Famias, Multi-Tiered System of Supports, Integrated Systems Framework
- Lori Furaus, Middle School Teacher, BEA President
- Haley Haugen, Principal, Grimsrud Elementary
- Dr. Kimberly Herman, Assistant Principal, Liberty Elementary
- Sheyna Jensen, Literacey Staff Developer, Elementary
- Dr. Ben Johnson, Assistant Superintendent, Secondary
- Brigitte Johnson, Psychologist, Elementary
- Ryan Johnson, Assisstant Principal, Secondary
- Tyler Kurtz,Dean, Secondary
- Danica Nelson, Director of Special Education
- Tara Olson, Literacy Staff Developer, Secondary
- Dr. Tabby Rabenberg, Principal, Horizon Middle School
- Sue Schaner, Counselor, Highland Acres Elementary and Roosevelt Elementary
- Kacie Schlecht, Counselor, Wachter Middle School
- Wendy Sanderson, EL Coordinator
- Jesse Scalzo, Social Worker, Secondary
- Susan Schaner, Counselor, Elementary
- Kacie Schlecht, Counselor, Secondary
- Shanna Scott, Elementary ED Coach
- Andrea Seibel, Multi-Tiered System of Supports
- Brittany Upton, Director of Professional Learning
- Mike Yantes, Multi-Tiered System of Supports, Integrated Systems Framework