- Bismarck High School
What is MTSS?
These supports are layered for each student as the student's need intensifies. Needs are determined through weekly student assistance teams meetings utilizing the problem solving process.
Tier 1 for All Students
Screener: Student data and informed teacher nomination
All students have access to these supports.
- Core Academics
- Academic Tutoring
- Parent / Guardian Communication
- Classroom Interventions
- Advisory Support
- AVID Schoolwide
- Instructional Framework
- Social-Emotional Learning/Behavior Supports
- Extracurricular opportunities
- Advisory Lessons
- Anti-Bullying Resources
- Resiliency Breakthrough in PE 9
- School-wide Behavior Expectations: Demon Pride - Responsibility, Relationships, Respect
- Student of the Month
- Positive Student Recognition
- Core Academics
Tier 2 for Some Students
These supports are provided to some students (15-20%) depending on need.
Academic Intervention Options – See Course Guide for more information
- Check-In and Check-Out
- Successful School and Life Skills Class
- Edgenuity/ My Path (CTRE)
- Reading Strategies
- Algebra I/Successful School and Life Skills Block
- Basic English
- Applied Physical Science
- Basic Biology
- After School Tutoring for Native Americans
- Individual Learning Plans
Social-Emotional Learning/Behavior Supports
- Reteach Within In-School Suspension
- Mentoring
- Drum Therapy
- Restorative Justice
- Circle Groups
- Social Academic Instructional Group (SAIG)
- Why Try Curriculum taught through the following courses:
- Algebra I Block
- Social Skills
Tier 3 for Few Students
These supports are provided to a few students (<5%) based on their intensive needs.
Academic (Gifted & Talented)
Academic (Intensive, Individualized)
- IEP (Individual Educational Plan)
- Section 504 Plan
- Functional Behavior Assessment/ Behavior Intervention Plan
- Skill Center
- PAES Lab
- Applied Topics Classes
- Referal to South Central
Social-Emotional Learning/Behavior Supports
- Functional Behavioral Assessment
- Academic/Behavior/Attendance Contracts
- Behavior Intervention Plan
- School Based Mental Health
- Outside Services and Supports
Data-Based Decision-Making