Bismarck Public Schools Strategic Plan

  • This Strategic Plan is a contract between the school district and its owners—the residents of the Bismarck School District. It provides a road map to create the kind of educational experiences we want for children. A mix of current and new initiatives can be found in the plan for both the academic side and the operational side of the school district. This plan makes our priorities clear, ensures transparency in what we do, and uses measureable outcomes to hold us accountable for maintaining a focus on what truly benefits our students.

    To the left, you will find our five-year Strategic Plan. Below that are links to separate BPS Operations Plans.
    The Annual Report is also posted. It’s a recap of the previous school year and is updated each August.
    The AdvancEd Accreditation Report is required every five years. The last report was in 2017-18. AdvancEd is now Cognia. The next accreditation process will take place in 2022-23.